Julian Assange: From jail to freeman

Julian Assange: From jail to freeman

Julian Assange- A journalist who gives a big dent to western country over war, free speech and democracy.

Julian Assange – A freeman now. He have fought 14 years long battle for his freedom and scrafice alot. Assange first of all booked for rape case of a Swedish women later the charged were droped. His initial problem arose when he realsed video footage of US helicopter firing on cilivians in Iraq on Wikileaks in April 2010.

Julian Assange

Julian Assange shake the western world and specially US over war crimes. Julian is a native of Australia who ran wikileaks where many secrets docments got publised by hacking computer servers of government and other means. The documents releated war, spying and corruption.

US militry video footage –

In 2010 a video of US militry got released on wikileaks were civlien people got killed by US militry helicopter. The video was of Iraq capital Baghdad where inncoent cilivian were got killed by US militry.

 Iraq capital Baghdad where inncoent cilivian were got killed by US militry.

The US government has faced alot of criticsm due to the video and other confiditional document released on wikileaks. It deals with spying, curroption and the secret agenda of US government.

The document got leaked by fromer US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. These documents show how civilian were got killed in Afganistan, Iraq and other country were US Army invade or there secert mission were run.

After release of documents – US said the document which got leaked by wikileaks endanger many US personnel life. US accuse Julian Assange of conspiring to break into its military databases to acquire sensitive information, and charged with 18 offences.

US start the process of extradition of Julian for the procecution. But fortunatly in 2012, he got asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy London. He spent almost seven years in the embassy. During his stay, Assange got support from many celebrity and regularly visited by them. Lady Gaga and the actor Pamela Anderson visited Ecuadorean embassy during his stay.

Later the Ecuadorean President odered to leave the building under US infulence and he got arrested by UK police and kept in British prison for five years. During this period Assange contiuned efforts to figt extradition to the US.

After fighting for 14years Juilian Assange got released from UK prision comes after a deal with US government.

For more read this – Julian Assange – Timeline of legal journey

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